The Great Parenting Show

Friday, December 28, 2012

30 Day "Back on Healthy Track" Challenge, Day 1: Intentions

Hi, Everyone!

Today was Day 1 of my 30 Day "Back on Healthy Track" Challenge. 

I decided last night while I was breatfeeding the baby in bed (I had brought a bar of dark chocolate to the bed when I heard the baby crying) to do this 30 day challenge.  I was partly inspired by Kate Freiling's 30 Day Video Challenge and partly motivated by the act of bringing chocolate to go feed the baby! 

Here's what I'm going to do...

Every day I will make a video to report on how I feel, what I eat, cravings, physical changes, mental clarity, energy, etc.  I'll also write on my blog and upload some pictures.


1.  By the end of these 30 days, I intend to have instilled a habit of gravitating toward healhty nourishing foods and water instead of foods that drain me of my energy (such as cookies, highly processed sweets and potato chips).
In thirty days, I hope to have consistent energy to take me through the day being as present and attentive to my family as I can be.  As I treat myself better, I will have a better quality of myself to give.

2.  As a by-product of my 30 challenge, I hope others will also be inspired to do something they want to do, dare something worthy. 


I am approaching this challenge with love, compassion and fun-spirit.  Eating healthfully can be FUN and exciting!  This is what I want to show, this is what I want to experience.


Have you ever wanted to eat more healthfully?  What did you do?  Have you ever tried quitting an addiction?  How did you do it?  Or how didn't you do it?  Leave me your comments.  I would love to hear from you!  Let me know what I can do to help you.



-one large persimmon
-4 cherries
-1 kiwi


-left-over veggie soup from Christmas
-3 slices of whole wheat bread with Soy-Free Earth Balance (a vegan butter)


-watercress soup
-2 squares of dark chocolate (yes, it did contain sugar, but it's gone now)

taro and millet in watercress soup topped with yu choi

-yu choi
-left-over watercress soup
-iceberg lettuce
-home-made fermented veggies
-canned artichoke
-sundried tomatoes
-home-made fermented rice
-about half teaspoon of an AMAZING seed butter!

How I Felt

Physically I felt good today although I didn't get to go outside (other than taking the recycling and compost out) or formally exercise.  I wore the baby a great deal of the day, but I'm thoroughly enjoying his growing presence! 
I did wake up with a tingly hand and fingers.  This seems to be usual now.  Perhaps it's the baby getting more heavy.  Also, my knuckles are dry and cracking, so that;s pretty itchy and sore sometimes.

Hunger and Cravings

Thank goodness for this 30 Day Challenge!  I was aware of the automatic thought (that precedes action) of having something sweet right after lunch.  I stopped myself and realised that the thought was there out of habit.  So, yet the craving for sweet and starch continue.

I am hungry right now as I am typing, but I brushed my teeth shortly after supper was done (after my fermented rice), so that motivates me to just sip water.  I was also hungry before my fruit salad in the morning and then in the evening right before eating supper.

One thing want to do is drink more water regularly so that my body doesn't confuse a lack of water intake for being hungry for food.
Thank you for tuning to day's posting!  Thank you for supporting me on this challenge.  See you in my next video.

Here's today's Video.

Do leave me your comment.  Thank you.


Anonymous said...

The motivation behind your 30 day challenge sounds good however, although the items listed seem nice and nutritious, they don't seem to be in large enough quantities to me. You need to make sure that you're taking in enough, especially since you're breastfeeding :)

OptimumMom said...

Thank you for your comment! Yes, as I re-read what items I had eaten yesterday it didn't like a lot. Today (Day 2) I had a lot more albeit mostly soup :)

Have a great day!