The Great Parenting Show

Friday, August 31, 2012

Birth of Another Mommy Blog


Thank you for dropping by to read my new blog.  My name is Kim.  I have three children:  a boy with autism, a typical daughter in the middle, and a baby boy.

Lying on the ground looking up into the tree, loving nature with my daughter.

What is this blog about? 

 It's about growing and learning consciously to be the best mom I can be.  I will write about the things I do as a mother to love my children, love this World and love myself.  This includes topics such as Elimination Communication (EC), positive parenting, personal development, integrative nutrition, eco-conscious life-style and other like topics.

Why start a new blog now? 

 There is no time but now, in the present.  This is a time of transition, beginning, ending and movement.  I just found out my grandmother passed away today.  I had my third child two months ago.  My daughter is going to start public school after this long weekend... the weather is changing becoming darker and cooler every day... so, yes, I'm starting this new blog to chronicle my growth, my challenges.  In essence, I want to share my happiness with anyone who is interested.

Purpose of this blog: 

 I intend to inspire and encourage myself and others to grow... to love unconditionally, to be curious as children through sharing my thoughts and everyday observations and experiences.  I hope that you will come back and visit my blog and leave me your comments or questions.

Have a great day!,

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